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A Tale of Heroes
A fascinating and exciting story set in the magical world of Wynne, of The Hero's Tale! Follow the stories of the adventuring parties as they try to save their world from the threat of power hungry dragons while figuring out their lives and their connections to each other!
Books in the Story
Book 1: Of Children and Dragons
It starts out simply enough. A young girl, homeless in the city of Twynne Rivers, finds four new friends to help her rescue some other street kids before they get fed to a dragon! The friends include a half-dwarven wizard wannabe, a naive full high elven wizard, a studious giant, and a heretic soldier.
Book 2: Of Wizards and Dragons
Later as the dragons conspire to take over the kingdom and the land, the high elf, the wizard wannabe have to overcome their dislike for each other, and, along with a rogue and a monk and another jokester wizard, find a helper named Heathrax and the dragonstooth dagger.
Book 3: Of Dragons and Kings
Finally, more friends join the group and the dragons start to implement their plan for domination of the entire land. Can they get the dagger and deal with all of their fears in time to save the kingdom?
Book 4: Of Gods and Dragons
New friendships are formed and tested. Personal problems and struggles abound as each individual must fight for what they love, and find and appeal to an authority kinder than children, more powerful than wizards, and greater than kings.

More of the Story!
There's more to the story! You can get short stories and find out about Karendle's and DeFrantis' childhoods! Though the author Mark Hansen has unfortunately passed, his son and others will continue to story!
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